Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Today the orthopedic doctor looked at Gavin, and he thinks his spine is ok, it may be crocked from the way he was laying. They are not going to do any more testing on his kidneys right now because kidney function is ok at this time. The aortic artery is blocked 50%, and the hole between the right and left chambers of the heart will be surgically repaired when he gains more weight; they want him to be 5 lbs. before doing the surgery. We are still waiting to hear the results from the brain scan. They diagnosed him with VATERS. Here is a web site link about that.
Please keep praying for Gavin and the family. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Gavin update

Today Gavin gained an ounce. He has a slight case of jaundice. The doctors told us that he is missing a rib, but it is not the top one, like they told us before. This will be better for his posture. They still think he is going to loose one of his kidneys. A brain scan was done today but we have not gotten the results yet. They are going to do a MRI tomorrow, maybe. We are waiting to hear from the cardiologist about his heart condition. At this time they are saying that the aorta is narrow, limiting the blood and oxygen flow to the body and brain. He has a small hole between the right and left side of his heart that they may have to do surgery to repair. Right now they are only giving him protein and vitamins in the I.V. From what I understand, this will allow better oxygen flow. They say his spine is not straight and an orthopedic doctor is going to look at him soon.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Welcome Gavin Rocco

This is my sister Shanelle's baby boy, Gavin Racco, he was born on May 26, (at 33 weeks) almost 2 months early. He is 3 lbs. 7 oz. and is 16 inches long. He is breathing fine at this time, but they are doing test to see if he may have some other problems. We know he is going to loose one of his kidneys and he has a heart murmur, his spin is not straight and he is missing his top rib on the right side. None of these things are life threatening, but are emotionally hard to deal with. At this time he is in intensive care, on an I.V. and feeding tube.
Please pray for my sister Shanelle, her baby Gavin and her other two kids Jordan and Preston. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

not so cute lambkin

I found this super cute lambkin pattern at:
I made one but mine is NOT super cute at all : ( I think I should have read and fallowed the directions.

Friday, May 19, 2006

bubble girl

I have not had much time for crafts the last few weeks. I did put two of my bags on ebay. The pink and purple one and the blue one. No bids yet. : (
I got Kaylynn this bubble gun at Wal-Mart, she loves it. She used all the bubbles in 30 mins then wanted more.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

more handbags

I got two more bags done. I put a button to these, next I'm going to add a button to all of the others I have finished.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

diaper bag

I just finished this diaper bag, I love it. I made it a little bigger than the handbags, and made a shoulder strap and also added buttons. (I'm going to add buttons to all of my handbags now). I was a little nervous making this diaper bag, because I changed the pattern a little. It is about 13"x 6" and 11" deep. I think it turned out great. I am giving it to a friend for her baby shower this weekend, she is having a boy. I hope she likes it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

two more bags

I made two more handbags today. I really like the pink one. It is my best one yet.
This is Kaylynn 'helping' me cut the fabric, with her play-duh sissores. She is so cute.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

two new handbags

I made these handbags today. I think the fabric is cute, but I'm not bold enough to use them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

taking the day off

I burned my finger on the iron today working on some more handbags, so I'm taking the rest of the day off, from sewing. I went out to our backyard and took some pictures of the flowers. I'm shocked they are even growing because I do NOT have a green thumb at all.