This is the start of Kaylynn's halloween costume. I found her the red shoes and a ‘Toto’ dog. I can not wait to se it finished, she is going to be so cute!
Please keep my friends step-dad and mom in your prayers. Tim was in an accident Tuesday morning. He is in MCU in the surgery ICU. He will be having surgery on Friday (we think) to set his pelvis which is broken in 4 places. He has multiple injuries but no head injuries thank god! He will be out of work for a long time. Please also keep the rest of her family in your prayers as they will be traveling into town to see Tim. If any one knows of someone who would like to be a foster parent for her parents dog, Rosie, please let me know. Her mom will not be home much with Tim being in the hospital or rehab and will not be able to take care of her. Thank you!
Our church was in a parade on Sat. 9-16-06. Kaylynn, next to daddy and my niece Jordan, would not get into her sheep costume. The parade was well attended, we handed out suckers and had a great time doing it!
This is Preston and Brianna, my nephew and niece, they look so cute in their costumes!
I am married and have a 2 year old little girl, Kaylynn. We have a dog, Ajax and a cat, Trooper. (because he got me pulled over by a state trooper when I was bringing him home.) He has been trouble from that day on.