Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A dress for Kaylynn

I just finished this dress for Kaylynn. I am so happy with how well it turned out! It is hard to take a picture of a moving target.

Monday, July 24, 2006

2nd dress

My sisters friend liked the dress, I made Jordan so much she asked me to make one for her three year old daughter.(see 7-7-06) This is the pattern. This is a little trick my mom taught me. I used tissue paper to trace the pattern, that way you can use the other sizes!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

storm on 6-21-06

This is a picture of our street on June 21, 2006. In NW Ohio. It looks like a river! The water was about 8-10 inches deep. The picture is a little fuzzy. We were blessed not to have any damage to our property. We did have a 9 foot branch fall off a tree in our back yard, this is a picture of how it fell!

Friday, July 07, 2006

back to the crafts

Yes, I have been creating and crafting in the past month. I was just waiting to put them on my blog, so I could focus it on Gavin. I will keep updating on Gavin.

This is a picture of a dress I made Jordan, when I had her, the night Gavin was born. We went to Wal-Mart and she picked the pattern and fabric. I made the shrug reversible.

Last week I was introduced to jewelry making, by my bosses wife, Marcia. And you know I loved it. I went to Hobby Lobby and got everything I needed to make tons of things. Here are some pictures of some of them, just some.

I helped Kaylynn make her two bracelets, she put most of the beads on the big one, and she put the butterflies on the small one. She loved it. I love it because I think she is going to be crafty like me. : )

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

july update on Gavin

Sorry for not updating sooner and more often. Time just got away from me. Gavin is up to 4 pounds and 13.75 ounces. He will not need any heart surgery, the hole in his heart has closed and they are calling it a heart murmur. He is having therapy for his spine and they think that will be successful. In the past week he has had his throat looked at, and everything looks good. He also had his hearing tested. He passed on the right ear, but failed on the left ear. The doctors said it is common for preemies to fail the hearing tests until they get older. They are predicting he will be in the hospital one more month. He has to learn to drink from the bottle before he goes home. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you.

This is Mommy, Gavin and Great Grandma Degrie

Happy Birthday Shanelle!