Sorry for not updating sooner and more often. Time just got away from me. Gavin is up to 4 pounds and 13.75 ounces. He will not need any heart surgery, the hole in his heart has closed and they are calling it a heart murmur. He is having therapy for his spine and they think that will be successful. In the past week he has had his throat looked at, and everything looks good. He also had his hearing tested. He passed on the right ear, but failed on the left ear. The doctors said it is common for preemies to fail the hearing tests until they get older. They are predicting he will be in the hospital one more month. He has to learn to drink from the bottle before he goes home. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you.

This is Mommy, Gavin and Great Grandma Degrie
Happy Birthday Shanelle!
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